Immersion Workshop

Come and experience a full day of Charlotte Mason immersion lessons! Our hope is that you will leave inspired and equipped to implement Charlotte Mason philosophy with confidence and clarity. Lessons will include history, geography, dictation and more. 

This workshop will be taught by experienced Charlotte Mason educator, Sarah Logsdon. Sarah has 12 years of experience teaching the Charlotte Mason method in her home and a classroom setting.  

Catered lunch will be provided. No childcare, however infants are always welcome. 

Date: Friday, August 4, 2023

Time: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

Location: Church Inside Out.  2821 W. 40th St. Tulsa, Ok. 74107

Cost: (light snacks and catered lunch included)

Tulsa Living Education Parent $35

General Public $45

Our Immersion Workshop Leader:

I’m Sarah Logsdon, wife to Bob and homeschooling mama to four amazing kids.  Before our children were born I taught for 6 years in both public and private schools.  I was introduced to Charlotte Mason when my oldest was quite young, and loved what I read about this rich, gentle, spirit-led approach to education.  We decided to try this adventure of homeschooling and here we are, 12 years later, with a rising senior, 9th grader, 6th grader, and 3rd grader!  Through each school year I learn more about the principles that Mason believed in and what that looks in my specific home. I currently teach 1st and 2nd grade one day a week at the Hub Homeschool Enrichment where I get to use Mason’s principles in a classroom setting. I also enjoy camping and hiking with my family, reading good books (and adding new books to my to-be-read pile), and watching our funny flock of backyard chickens.